Did you know that a Senate Inquiry in relation to marriage equality is underway?
The Senate has referred the Recognition of Foreign Marriages Bill 2014 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report.
So what does this mean?
The Bill aims to amend the Marriage Act 1961 by recognizing same-sex marriages conducted overseas and looking at the impact of marriage equality in other countries.
Australian Marriage Equality (AME) has set up a specific website for those wanting to make a submission. While all submission are welcome, your views are particularly sought if you:
- Were married overseas to someone of the same sex; and/or
- Are living overseas in a country with marriage equality; and/or
- Are someone who supports recognition of overseas marriages in Australia
The closing date for submissions is 31 July 2014.
Visit the Parliament of Australia website for details of the Inquiry.
To lodge a submission, visit the AME Senate Inquiry website.
The Australian Marriage Equality website contains a range of information about marriage equality issues that you may be interested in exploring further.