On your wedding day, and as part of your marriage ceremony, there are three official marriage certificates to be signed.
The first certificate of marriage. This is sent to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages so that your marriage can officially be registered.
The second certificate of marriage. This may be referred to as the Marriage Register and is kept by your celebrant.
The third certificate of marriage. This is given to you by your celebrant, often as part of the ceremony itself.
The bride and groom, two witnesses and your celebrant will sign each of the three certificates. Your witnesses must be 18 years of age or older.
Your celebrant must ensure all relevant paperwork is submitted to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages so that your marriage can officially be registered. The paperwork submitted includes the Notice of Intended Marriage, the Declaration of No Impediment to Marriage, and the first marriage certificate.
It should be noted that while the third certificate of marriage is an official document, it is not valid for legal purposes. You will need to apply for a copy of a certificate issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, which will be available once the marriage is registered. Your celebrant can give you advice on how to apply for this certificate.
This is last in a series of posts regarding legal paperwork required when getting married. The previous posts are:
Wedding Paperwork – Part 1 – The Notice of Intended Marriage
Wedding Paperwork – Part 2 – Declaration of No Legal Impediment to Marriage
Official information is available from the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department website at: