So you’ve booked the date, bought the dress, organised the reception venue, invitations are ready to be sent, flowers are ordered, the cake selection made … but what about the celebrant?
While the celebrations for your big day are important and can take a lot of organising, the key part of getting married is the legal ceremony – and for that you need an authorised celebrant.
But what should you be looking for in a celebrant? The following are some points that have come up in my conversations with marrying couples:
♥ It is important to book your celebrant early – just like popular venues, celebrants can booked well over 12 months in advance.
♥ Your rapport with the celebrant is essential – someone who listens to you, understands what you are looking for in your ceremony, and who will work with you to provide a personal ceremony that is just right for you.
♥ Check out websites of celebrants – do they have the ‘vibe’ you are looking for?
♥ Meet with more than one celebrant – this helps to know which celebrant may suit your needs best. If you cannot meet in person, have a telephone or Skype conversation with them.
♥ Are you looking for a fun and lively celebrant, a formal celebrant, someone who specialises in spiritual themes or specific rituals, or is it their ‘look’ that is important to you?
♥ Are you having a themed wedding – do you need your celebrant to dress up for this?
♥ Consider what is included in their price – and what cost is involved for any add-ons such as travel to your ceremony location.
♥ What types of information will they provide you with to help prepare for your ceremony?
♥ Will your celebrant guide you, take control or leave it all up to you?
In selecting a celebrant, you want to know that they will listen to what you are looking for in a ceremony, advise you on options to meet your requirements, and then provide you with a ceremony that is meaningful to you. This is a very special day for you and you need to be sure that your celebrant understands, and can adapt to, your needs.
Not sure where to start? To find an authorised celebrant within Australia, visit: http://www.ag.gov.au/FamiliesAndMarriage/Marriage/Findamarriagecelebrant/Pages/default.aspx